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Valen Vital Health

We Trust

  • Operation Yellow Tape. Meeting people where they need it the most, in the midst of their trauma and mental health battles, Operation Yellow Tape provides resources to those who feel that life, its circumstances, or the trauma they have face has become too much to handle.  If you feel like giving up, reach out to them!  Their Motto: There are too many of us to ever feel alone. â€‹


  • Wicked Good Lawn Care. Brandon is the owner and an outstanding lawn care expert. He is based in North-Central Florida.  You won't go wrong having Brandon sculpt your property into a suburban wonderland.


  • Jason Redman.  Wounded and highly decorated combat veteran and Navy Seal, Lt. Redman brings the positive message of the Overcome Mindset to those in need.


  • Michelle Kuzmick. Marketing and branding guru with decades of experience as a professional photography. Michelle can help you with any small business marketing needs.


  • Just 1 More Fitness. If you want one on one fitness and nutrition plans either in the Virginia Beach area, or remote, Justine is the right person for you. No nonsense, no judgement, just personalized care.





Start your Journey Today

Valen personal trainer helping a man lift and lose weights


Have you been experiencing challenges like low libido, reduced muscle mass, impaired memory, slow metabolism, and fatigue? These aren't just symptoms; they may be signals that you're dealing with low testosterone—a common condition that affects millions of men, casting a shadow over your life. These aren't just symptoms; they may be signals that you're dealing with low testosterone—a common condition that affects millions of men, casting a shadow over your life. The good news is, it's treatable and Valen Vital Health can help.

woman who takes semaglutide for weight loss on the scale


Are you struggling with unwanted weight? Beyond its impact on appearance and self-esteem, excess weight can compound chronic health issues such as blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, chronic pain, depression and poor sleep. Whether you're looking to lose 10 pounds or 50, our Semaglutide and Tizerpatide therapy can be your trusted companions on your weight loss journey. At Valen we are dedicated to supporting you throughout your journey seamlessly combining prescription medication with personalized exercise and nutrition plans. 

two women laughing and discussing weight loss and hormones


If this sounds familiar, “That’s just a part of aging.” You’re not alone. Currently our healthcare system is falling short with merely 6% of women that seek help for menopausal and perimenopausal symptoms finding relief. Menopause may be a part of aging, but enduring it doesn't have to be. Our team of experienced and compassionate healthcare providers will work closely with you to develop a personalized plan as well as provide ongoing support to ensure you are experiencing the best possible outcomes.

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